Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Closed for summer holidays,

July 15 - August 4. (weeks 29-31)

Bending of tubes

Tube bending, easy bending       350 sek/bend exkl. VAT (moms).

Tube bending with drawing         450 sek/bend exkl. VAT (moms).

If it is alot of bending we have    850 sek/hour exkl. VAT (moms).

Below you can find what we have for bending tools / dies.  Today we have two different bending machines.

The Hossfeld model No.2 with built on hydralics is the old tube bender and requires more craftsmanship. Good when bending individual tubes.

The new CBC uni 70C machine is a more controlled machine and much better with a series of tubes.

You can also easily fill in dimensions to get a Main hoop, Shoulder hoop or a Roll cage kit bent. See links below.

Bending dies CBC / Bockningsmatriser CBC >>

Bending dies Hossfeld / Bockningsmatriser Hossfeld >>

Main hoop / Huvudbåge >>

Shoulder hoop >>

Roll cage >>

Tube bending Movies >>

ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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