Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Closed for summer holidays,

July 15 - August 4. (weeks 29-31)

The New Green Goblin

News - The New Green Goblin - ctl00_cph1_prodImage

As many of you did noticed, we did not race with Green Goblin during the 2017 European Dragracing Championship.

We simply took a year away from the race track and did put that energy on Green Goblin lll instead.

2016 was a tough season for us with a lot of engine problems. We fought for a second place with our will of steel. But then we needed to put our energy to build the new car.

We have been a bit silent about this, so we could work without any stress. Sorry about that, but we hope you will be happy about the new car.

It has also happened a lot in our private lives, such as having children and more. Our companies also have more work, among other things, sales of Docol Tube R8 increase, which is fun.

ME Racing Service has helped SSAB to start manufacture this kind of tube that fits well in Racing. If you can use these tubes in extreme race cars, then everybody can use them, for example in industry as well.

The new Chassis is now completely built of SSAB material. Sheet metal and the Docol Tube R8 are made in our hometown Borlänge. So, the new car is really “Made in Borlänge” (Sweden).

The body is made in the same mould as Green Goblin l & ll. But on this body we have take away 30mm in the bottom, to make it lower and better in the air. With out to take away the Crown Victoria look.

We are also testing some new ideas, and then we will paint it green again, so dont worry. We have also developed some new products for this car that we will test before we begin selling these. 


Two weeks ago, we removed the chassis from the jig on Tuesday. During Wednesday the car was up and down while the floor was welded in place.


Then a week before Tierp, the installation of Green Goblin began on Thursday.


A week later, we did start up the car at our race shop before the trailer did go to Tierp Arena on Thursday.


On Friday we did miss the first qualifying, due to electrical problems. But we managed to run the last run for the day. But then we were to stressed and made some mistakes. But it was important for Mats to make a burnout and feel the car. After 15 seasons in a Promod with a clutch, we are now driving with a converter. Witch mean that is some other routines for us to learn.


Saturday was a better day with 6,14 and 6,12 runs.


At Sundays elimination the car made a nice start. But 2 seconds in to the run the ignition problems came back and the blower belt broke after 4 seconds, other vise we would have a nice 5,9 run on the timeslip as a fifth round with the new car. We have struggling with ignition problems over the weekend.



We are very pleased with this start with the new car. And big thank you to Adam Flamholc that helps us out.

We have now booked the tickets to England and will race the European Finals. Until then we will make some changes on the converter and engine setup and try to find our ignition problems.

So, hold your thumbs that we will drive well on Santa Pod's new concrete track.

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ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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