Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Summer vacation


Closed for summer holidays, July 13 - August 7.

We usually close for 3 weeks, but this year we close 4 weeks due to the corona (covid-19) situation. 

We will not compete in any racing this year due to this situation as you probably understand. We will stay healthy, gather energy, boost the car and come back stronger than before next season.

If you will go out into the country on holiday. Remember distance and avoid crowds.

Our healthcare in the countryside does not have as high a capacity as in larger cities when it comes to this pandemic.

Use nature and the landscape. Take advantage of the smaller housing opportunities that exist.

At "Visit Dalarna" you can find places (less crowded) you have not thought of before.

Stay healthy and have a nice summer.

Photos: Visit Dalarna.

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ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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