Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Closed for summer holidays,

July 15 - August 4. (weeks 29-31)

Scandinavian Internationals 2016


It´s been hardworking weeks since Hockenheim, but Team Green Goblin got some reward at Tierp, and some more hard work on the engines of Green Goblin before we goes to the Pod. We take the third position in the FIA championship with us to Santa Pod. And are Runner Up in the Swedish!

Even if there was engine problems before and during the Scandinavian Internationals at Tierp Arena, Mats manage to  do some good 5 sec runs. He ended up at Q4 at 5.98 sec even as the Saturday rained away. Micke Gullqvist was Q1 at 5.88 sec, Åke "Bagarn" Persson Q2 at 5.91 sec. He did a great race and his personal best. Very good done! And Q3 was David Vegter at his very personal best ever 5.95 sec. So this was fantastic racing for many of us. Mats continued the bracket racing at 5.98 in the eliminations, where he took out Freddy Fagerström, Håkan Persson and Andreas Arthursson. By that he was in the Finals vs Bruno Bader and was waiting in the line-up. Then the rain came, again! 


Mats and Håkan Persson at the finish line. Håkan did a personal best at 6.01sec. this weekend. 

But before this all happen there was the Finals in the Swedish Championship, where Anders Nilsson and Mats was suppose to race. There was a thrill, as both had damage the engines and had short time to fix it. Both teams working towards the clock.


Changing engine at Tierp

Anders had decided not to run the FIA Championship this year, so he went for the Swedish instead. And in the last minute the team manage to get up to the startline, start up the engine and light the green light and by that took the win in the Swedish Chmapionship. While Mats is in a good position for the FIA, the team decided to go for that instead, and left walkover, due to fix the engine for the FIA eliminations at Sunday instead. But a RU position in the Swedish Championship is not bad at all. Not at all. Congratulation to Anders Nilsson and team to the win!


Team Anders Nilsson Swedish Champs of 2016!

- We did damage one engine at the Tierp, says LG.  So we give the engines some love before we goes  to Santa Pod, England. Thanks to Emil Nilsen at Nilsen Performance, fast service and help with one of the blocks. And thanks Jeremy Evrist at Brad Anderson for fast service with new sleeves. Hope we will find some luck in England that we not have much of this season.


LG and Mats been working days and nights to get the car in order again.

Gullqvist was saved by the rain once again. But both Mats and Bruno took some FIA point up on Micke, and they are ready for a match at the Finals at Santa Pod. This is going to be a thrill, and Mats is VERY eager to take a revenge of last year loosing on the tree. So nothing is sat, yet.


Some curious fans at Tierp

Winner and Runner Up in Swedish Championship 2016

Prominent visitor Åke "Bryggarn" Andersson in the pit

Green Goblin on its way...

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