Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time

Race weekend report


We are now back at our race shop and open up after the summer holiday, which we ended with a race at Tierp Arena.

ME Racing Service AB was also one of the sponsors of this event.

We have not been racing for two years, due to Covid -19.

A month ago, Speedgroup announced there would be a race at Tierp Arena. We really appreciate the work by Speedgroup that has been done in this short time to do this event. ME Racing Service AB was a sponsor of this event and many others also helped to make this possible. Many people were happy to come back, compete and watch the race.

We are happy with the weekend, as we took this more to test new things and get an inspiration boost for the coming season.

We got five qualification runs and one elimination run. It is the same always, we wanted one more run to see if we chould improve as we were really close to get a really good run in the elimination. But we are still happy with our weekend.

1st Qualification run, we did get some tire shake and Mats did drift close to the wall. So he lift the throttle and get back on it again. 6.01 Sec. was a good time for this run.

2nd run was a really clean and nice run. 5.93 Sec. We did just some small adjustments from the first run.

3rd run we did also only small adjustments. 5.95 Sec. to se how the car responded the second day of qualification.

4rd run 6.05 Sec. Track started to be better so we was low with wheelspeed from the startingline. We wanted to change gear in the transmission to this run but we was short of time.

5th run 5.96 Sec. We changed gear in the transmission for this run, we had only 50min this time but we had to do it. We had to take gears from another transmission so it was some work, but the car was warmed up and on the ground again before our deadline to be ready for the next run. The wheelspeed was much better from the startingline, but little to low at 0,5 Sec. We ended up as 5th qualifier of 17 cars.

1st Elimination run was 6,39 Sec against Marcus Perman 6,25 Sec. We had good wheelspeed from the starting line, but we loosed the grip 0,5 Sec. in the run and did get bad tire shakes. Mats did lift the throttle but we could not catch Marcus. Congratulations to Marcus and his team who ended up 3rd in the Swedish Championship. Marcus did also take the win over Freddy Fagerström in the quarter final with a 6.26 Sec. before the rain stopped the competition and they cancelled the race.

We finished 8th in the Swedish championship, we participated in one of the two events.

We are happy with the weekend and will be back. We hope to have a complete race season next year.

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ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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