Right now, the 2015 PRI show Indinanapolis USA, is on its second day. And the guys from ME Racing Service works together with the guys from SSAB USA at their best in SSABs booth to promote R8 tubes with exhibition visitors. Intense days, but also fun and interesting, with many meetings and future visions. Tomorrow Saturday is the last day for this time to make contacts and build a good platform for the upcoming racing season.
- The interest is very good for the SSAB products and the R8 tubes, says LG Eriksson. We can tell that people knows a lot about the tubes this year compared to earlier year. We also have very positive reactions from people that have used the tubes in their car and ben involved in a crash. It´s a lots of visitors over al in the booth.
SSAB both is SSAB stand draws attention to itself.
Kim Colvin SSAB USA (at lef) has been at the show from the day SSAB started to participate and is very familiar
to the products, visitors and the MERS people.