Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time

Nitrolympx 2014


Hockenheim repeat themselves. 2012 was the worst year at Hockenheim Ring due to the F1 racing a few weeks before the FIA European Drag Racing Championship. Now it repeat itself as the F1 races are every second year, ther wasn´t time to prepare the track again. This time it became more a competition of tuning cars to be able to go down the track,  then race them. Mats had some problems in the second and third qualification run as the car was so low in the ignition that it causes problem to start it. So two of four runs didnt happen. But the fourth run he did one of the best runs in the class and ended up as no 1 qualified. And he got the best ET of the weekend, 389,42 km/h at 6,32 sec. But Michael Gullqvist took that time in the first elimination runn with 2 hundreds of a sec. Mats ended up as third runner up and got a little cup for that, together with the other second runner up, Michael Gullqvist. Mattias Wulcan did take the Win and David Vegter was Runer Up. Congratulation to them, very well done during this circumstances. Next is the Swedish Championships Finals upcomming weekend in Sundsvall. So the guys going to have a busy couple of weeks now as the next FIA round is in two weeks at Tierp.
See You all at the racetracks.


Two happy guys, Adam And LG,  when Mats did the best time and ET for the weekend. Later Gullqvist took the best time with two hundreds of a second.


LG had his birthday on friday together with Adam Flamholcs doughter Isabell. So there fore there had to be some cake in the evening.


The two Second Runner Up guys Mats and Michael Gullqvist.


There was also another one that had a birthday, David Vegter was celebrated in the Gullqvist pit...


...together with another 40 year old boy, Magnus Böhlin.


Ludvig and "Strumpan" got very close to each other...


as Lena and Gabbi in the Pro Stock team Holmberg.


Exon did an excelent job on the car, a usual.

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