Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Closed for summer holidays,

July 15 - August 4. (weeks 29-31)

New date SFI Tour 2021


There will be an SFI inspection of drag racing parts this year.

It will not be the usual SFI Tour in Europe, but it will be an inspection in Sweden and England.

In England, no date has been set. For more information contact Andy Robinson Race Cars.

Due to Covid -19, we have changed the date in Sweden to April 26-30. This may be postponed further according to prevailing circumstances. We do this to avoid inspection if there is no race season this year either.

Hope you understand this. We try to avoid unnecessary costs for you. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Please read the information on the SFI Reg. page

Parts from other countries are welcome to England or Sweden. Do you want to send your parts to Sweden, please read information on the SFI Reg. page.

This registration is only for the SFI Re-certification in Sweden.

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ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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