Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time

Borlänge Energi applies new biogas tapstation


Borlänge Energi held the information meeting at MERS workshop about the new biogas station that going to open i september here in Borlange. The location in our workshop was very suitable as the guests had a lot to look at. Mats held a little speech about his racing story and about drag racing. He also told that drag racing is a environmentally friendly sport. The meeting was a positiv experience for both Borlange Energi, the guests and us. So it's probably more to come of this kind of event in our facilities, as we now can offer the workshop as a conference hall, as well :)


Lena Lagestam who organized the meeting is ready to greet the guests.


Interesting discussions came up during the meeting.


Maria Pohjonen from Gasbilen informed about biogas cars and how it all works. More information about that can be read at


Mats and Bo Redin listening to the lectures.


Father Bo and doughter Lois from Miradena offers to update cars from gas to biogas.


And ofcourse there was coffe and cupcakes, with cars.

environmentally friendly
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ME Racing Service AB

Svetsgränd 10

781 72 Borlänge


Phone:  +46 (0)243 100 66

Fax:  +46 (0)243 211 412



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