Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday and before holiday 7:00-11:30
Brekfast 9:00-9:30
Lunch 11:45-12:30

We have CET - Central European Time.

Closed for summer holidays,

July 15 - August 4. (weeks 29-31)

Bilsportsgalan 2018


Last weekend, was the annual Bilsportsgalan.
It is at different locations every year and this time we were in Eriksbergshallen in Gothenburg.

Even though we have not competed this season, Mats received a prize. Big guys and girls award (Stora grabbars och tjejers märke).

This gives him a honorary membership in the Swedish Automobile Sports Federation (Svenska Bilsportsförbundet).

You can apply for this award once you have obtained a certain number of points from Swedish Championship, European Championship or World Championships.

Prince Bertil was first out 1966, Mats is now 245th who gets this award.

In our sport Dragracing, it is 17 that has received the award until today.

1995. Roland Forsberg, Krister Johansson, Michael Malmgren and Tony Dönges.

1996. Mikael Kågered.

1998. Jari Konola and Kent Persson.

1999. Leif Helander.

2001. Leif Andreasson and Niclas Andersson.

2002. Jacob Ferrer.

2007. Michael Gullqvist and Jimmy Ålund.

2010. Roger Johansson.

2013 Ulf Leanders.

2014. Per-Erik Lindgren.

2018. Mats Eriksson.

>> Stora Grabbars och Tjejers Märke 2018




There are usually around 600 dinner guests at this gala.


Jimmy Ålund and Michael Gullqvist receives SM (Swedish Championship) medals.



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