Another SFI Tour is nearing its end. As usual, the tour gathered at Pers Akers Speed Sweden on Saturday, the third day of the tour, which began in Holland then Finland and a little longer stay in Sweden, before being terminated in England.

The Committee is now being upgraded with a new generation. Luke Robinson, son of Pro Modified driver Andy from Britain, took over Tim Hayatts place after he unfortunately died just over a year ago. Luke fits very well into the team, as he is very skilled and know the sports technicalities from childhood. Just like LG Eriksson, who has now taken Murph McKinney's place as he is very busy with his own business over in the US.
LG has with his family, arranged the tour for several years by ME Racing Service and have many years of experience in the racing industry. He has the best of knowledge to repalce Murph. Jen Faye, who is about to take over from SFI CEO Arnie Kuhns who after a long-time duty now take a step back. Jen is also a very skilled person on motorsport safety activities and been around for many years as well. So, SFI tours future looks very good with this new talented generation.

The day of Persåkers Speedshop was, as usual, a nice day filled with chat, meetings and shopping. Everything went smoothly and well organized for both inspectors and customers. The evening was spent at Sparreholms Castel, where the owner Sven shows some of the collections in its museums. A visit is recommended during the summer.